Years of successful coaching experience

Years of successful coaching experience
Markus's Specialty: acting as a proven Co-Pilot in Win-Win-Win-Situation
In the last decade Markus has evolved from winning, toward supporting leaders who want to win as a team.
He is experienced in both active Project delivery in a visible role ("Pilot / Project Manager") and in a less-visible support role ("Co-Pilot"), opening up win-win-win situations:
Winner No.1 - The customer benefits and reduces cost by integrating Markus as a senior project manager while mimimizing dependency on externals.
Winner No.2 - The internal project manager reaps the rewards of successful project delivery while receiving active management services, workshop-moderation, on-the-job training, and coaching from Markus. They work together as a leadership duo: "pilot" and "co-pilot".
Winner No.3 - Markus offers valuable Management services and support, while staying within his limits of availability, serving several customers at a time.

Customer feedback
Dr. Andreas Huber
Special advisor to the Board, Erste Group Bank AG